Portuguese Creamy Cod

bacalhau com natas Called ‘Bacalhau com Natas’ in Portuguese, this is a traditional Portuguese dish. It is one of the many ways to cook cod - people say there are over 365 cod recipes in Portugal, more than one for each day of the year.



  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring to boil, then place the cod fillets inside. Boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Slice the onions and place in a frying pan with some olive oil. Fry until golden.
  3. Drain the cod (keep the milk!), place in a chopping board, then shred it. Mix with the onions, fry for a couple of minutes, then add the milk you used to boil it with. Add the flour to thicken. Keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes until you get the desired consistency.
  4. Chop the potatoes into cubes roughly the size of a dice. Lightly fry them in some oil or olive oil (not deep frying) for around 5-10 minutes, in low heat.
  5. Get an oven tray, oil it with some olive oil, then put in the cod and the potatoes, mixing well. Add the ground nutmeg, salt and pepper.
  6. Pour the cream on top. Sprinkle with cheese. Put it in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes, until the top is golden and crispy.
  7. Enjoy!
